
EFFECTIVE DATE: December 1,2022

LAST UPDATED: December 1,2022

[NOTE: This editorial policy is based on the standards set by the , (a Fashion and Retail news content website) operated by IFAB MEDIA. This website is created by a team of expert journalists with decades of combined experience in these sectors. We are committed to producing content to the highest possible standard and in a timely manner for our Fashion and Retail industry professionals who are our target audience. IFAB MEDIA encourages you to tailor this policy to fit your own circumstances and purposes. This editorial policy is not intended to replace, and should not be relied upon, as legal advice.]


The website operated by IFAB Media and its social media posts offer news and information about Fashion and Retail industry; its business, trends, new technologies, innovations and industry research. This content includes news, featured articles, discussion forums, special reports, authored articles, case studies, research reports, video stories, webinars and information supplied by readers.

We are a knowledge partner to the Fashion and Retail industry at large and our editorial objective is to inform readers of its relevant news and information. We also provide a forum informing on the advancement in Fashion and Retail sectors on the subjects of Innovation and sustainability. We are objective, fair and honest in our industry coverage. Our mission is to offer latest information and ideas to our industry readers to take informed decisions. We encourage those who advertise on our sites to provide us with information to be used in news, but any inclusion of content on the sites is determined by its editorial value, solely as determined by the editorial staff.


Mistakes happen. Misinformation gets reported. When it does, our first priority is always to get it fixed, quickly and properly.

Stories exist online for at least 24 hours, though some types of items can be online much longer. Online stories aren't frozen in one form. They can be changed at any time in their life as current online news.

We do not, as a matter of policy, change direct quotes or make other changes to accurate copy once published, unless, in our judgement, the change serves to improve the story.

We are not responsible for the accuracy of content or other resources provided by outside parties. Links are checked for accuracy at the time of publication, but we recognize that the Internet is a changing medium and these links may become invalid or change.

We also endeavour to ensure that relevant parties are given the right to reply to stories that concern them.

However, if you see an error or would like to clarify a story, please do contact us on: .


On occasions we do publish content on our site in partnership with trusted industry sources, either as part of a paid campaign or in the form of an expert opinion.

We will accurately label various types of content. Contributed articles (Master’s cut), will clearly be by-lined to the contributing author. There are industry articles which may be labelled as (Research Reports): provided by an industry source/ market research done by IFAB Media/ industry research company/ brand/or a data expert in market research. This includes case studies, white papers and press releases will be labelled to distinguish it from original and exclusive content produced and written by editors and freelancers.

Any paid post will be clearly marked “in partnership with” (or similar wording) while expert comment will include the professional credentials of the author.

We do not accept unsolicited guest posts, paid or otherwise, from companies or individuals who have no professional links to the Fashion and Retail industry. Nor will we publish guest posts that are, in effect, advertising posing as editorial or content created solely for the purpose of generating links.

If you would like to discuss partnerships, please feel free to email us at: .


The website operated by IFAB Media will use links to third party websites where we feel they add value to a particular story.

For instance, we may link to the source of news on a credible third-party media site or to reports and documents that may help our readers’ understanding of a topic.

We will also link to brands’ and retailers’ sites where doing so add value to the story, but we will only do so for brands or retailers who are the main focus of a story.

We will not add links to stories for brands and retailers at the request of marketing agencies and nor will we post content and comment that has been created solely with the purpose of generating links.


We are committed to fairness and balance in our reporting at all times. Our aim is to support the industry we serve with timely information, data and inspirational stories. This does not mean we will shy away from bad news but will always seek to ensure the tone is appropriate for a business media platform and it is not our aim to sensationalize stories. If you are concerned about any of our content or would like to seek clarification about our reporting practices, please email us at: .


If you would like to use extracts from our content or would like comment from our team of journalists for your own content, please contact . If you would like to contact our journalists individually, please see our (Contact us page).


The journalists of operated by IFAB Media shall not, unless with permission, have their stories or photographs published by any other media outlet deemed to have competing interests with the company. The journalist shall declare their interest prior to rendering journalistic services to any other local or international media institutions.


We may change this editorial policy from time to time. If we make any changes to this policy, we will change the “Last Updated” date above. You agree that you continued use of our services after such changes have been published to our services will constitute your acceptance of such revised policy.

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